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About Me.

My artwork integrates a certain tug of war between my cultural heritage and how/where I grew up. Instead of painting only a Haitian or Rockland County world, I decided to put them together because I am not one or the other. I am both.  Being able to express my thoughts and emotions on a canvas helps me not only creatively, but mentally. My opinions change as I grow with age, as well as my paintings and mediums. At this moment I favor oil painting on large bodies of work. It allows me space to paint a detailed world all my own without congesting my structure. I collect photos from various sources. I have recently favored using baby photos from albums because it's fun for me to take that trip down memory lane. It helps make the process a little more fun. I use these photos and arrange them into a sort of dreamlike state where one world can seamlessly blend into another. I say dreamlike because it's my dream/goal to finally take hold and confidently be both Haitian and American. As I do more research on Haiti and learn more about its culture, food, language, etc, I hope to express that on the canvas as well. Because while I, the artist, learn about the culture, I hope that the viewer can learn along with me. 

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